Guardianship and Conservatorship

For adults, guardianship and conservatorship are closely related but separate legal concepts.

A guardian is appointed to handle the non-financial affairs of the incapacitated person, such as living or medical decisions that they are unable to make on their own.

A conservator handles the financial affairs of the incapacitated person.

The guardian and conservator may be the same person, and someone may require one or both of these forms of help. Only the court can appoint someone as a guardian or conservator, and they do not make this decision lightly.

As such, the court requires precise procedures, and the person requesting this status must prove very specific things before the court will grant such broad powers over someone's life.

This can get complicated quickly, and the circumstances in which this help is required are rarely pleasant.

The right lawyer can help you navigate this process quickly and correctly. Don't hesitate, book a consultation today.