Law Offices of Christopher Hanks

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How can we protect Grandma? Do we need a “Granny Cam”?

This is a very scary and real question people are asking when they are forced to place a loved one in an assisted care facility.

The decision can be wrenching enough without having to consider the chance that someone would abuse an elderly patient in these facilities.

When your loved one enters a nursing home or assisted living center, you expect them to be safe. You expect them to get the care they need in a peaceful environment.

Indeed, around 5 million nursing home residents are abused each year.[1]  Elder abuse can come in many forms.  According to the National Center for Victims of Crime[2], the breakdown of types of complaints about elder abuse is as follows:

  • 28% – Physical abuse

  • 22% – Resident-on-resident abuse (physical or sexual)

  • 19% – Psychological abuse

  • 15% – Gross neglect

  • 8% – Sexual abuse

  • 8% – Financial exploitation

An experienced Eldercare attorney can help you avoid this type of situation, or ensure that you have what you need to navigate the next steps. Fill out the form below for a free no pressure consultation.

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Most folks have probably heard of a nanny cam – a camera set up to see how the babysitter treats your kids while you are away.  But in recent years, granny cams have also become popular.  This is a camera that is set up in your loved one's room at the nursing home or assisted living facility.  Knowing what's going on behind closed doors could give the senior's family and friends peace of mind.  But are granny cams legal?  If so, are there any requirements that you provide the nursing home notice that the camera is there?  Are there any concerns about granny cams? 

One concern with granny cams is privacy.  This entails the resident's privacy that is subject to the granny cam and the confidentiality of any other residents in the room.  Would you want your every move in your residence recorded?  Does having a granny cam ruin or distort the intended home-like atmosphere of the facility?  Knowing that they are continually being recorded may make some residents feel uncomfortable or stressed. 

Another concern is the security of the footage.  Undoubtedly, private and vulnerable moments are captured on video, like a resident dressing or completing personal hygiene tasks.  What are the responsibilities of the owner of such footage?  Can it be stored for a period of time?  Also, the video feed must be protected from hackers.  Imagine the horror of seeing your loved one's private footage online or exploited!  

What are some other ways, besides installing a granny cam, to better protect your beloved senior while they are residing in a care facility?  

  • Make friends with the staff.  If you treat them well and they care for you, they may be apt to go the extra mile for your loved one.

  • Let the staff know what type of care your loved one needs.  Make sure they know what your standards are.

  • Talk with administrators about their hiring and employee retention policies.  Are criminal background checks conducted on an ongoing basis?  What certifications or educational requirements do staff have?  

  •  Visit often and at various times.  If the staff knows you may pop in at any minute, they'll be on their toes! Can't visit due to COVID-19?  Make phone or Zoom calls, or visit a resident by going to their window.

  • Communicate with your loved one.  Ask them a specific question about their care and property.  Let them know they can always come to you with concerns.  

  • Talk with other residents if they are willing.  What do they notice going on at the facility? Do they have any concerns about the staff?

Making the decision to place your loved on in an assisted care facility can be among the most difficult decisions you make. Having the right legal representation can give you the piece of mind you need. Do not hesitate to reach out if I can ever be of assistance.